My favorite piece of technology

When someone ask me about my favorite piece of technology, I immediately think about my cell phone, because is something very useful and i don't think i can really live without it. But then i realise that that's it, i mean, is only a very practical object.

I believe that my favorite piece of technology is the camera, and the reason is simple, because for me, is the only device that let us see the past, it can let us travel in time, and also it shows how life was in other age, shows realitys and generate emotions and sensation of happiness, nostalgic, astonishment, etc.

I´ve always  have a camera in my house, but when i was about fifteen, it started to call my attention and i started to practice and make pictures of anything that would make me remind of some particular colors, moments or just stuff.

If the camera didn't exist, for me it would be very difficult to imagine some things that happened in other time or in another country. Also, it would be very sad not to having photos of the people we love and the moments we have passed with them.


  1. not easy capture to good moment whit a good camera

  2. It's so fun to see old pictures, I love cameras too but I wouldn't have one.

  3. It's a great way to keep memories


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